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  1. 法语作文求教!!!
  2. 关于理想生活的法语作文
  3. 法语作文


Je m’appelle Sam. J’ai 20 ans. J’habite chez mes parentsà Pékin. Mon père est fonctionnaire, il travaille dans le domaine de l’environnement. C’est un sujet de plus en plus important dans notre pays et dans notre ville, je suis très fier de mon père. Ma mère est institutrice. Elle adore les enfants et je crois que les enfants l’aiment beaucoup aussi.


Il y a encore un petit membre importantà nos yeux, c’est mon chien, on l’appelle《 One》, comme N°1. Il est plut?t sage et il aime bien jouer avec moi.


Moi je suisétudiant en Informatique. Comme beaucoup de gar?ons, j’aime le foot, le basket et les jeux vidéos. Mon temps libre est alors partagé entre les matches de foot avec mes copains et les《 combats de guerres》 en ligne avec les adversaires dont j’ignore leurs noms.


3楼的错误还是很多:Shanghai的前面要加à;职业的前面没有冠词un/une;很少用entreprise de vetements(服装公司),应该是entreprise de textile... J'aime le sport而不是du sport,可以说:j'aime faire du sport..


想不到在大学期间又经历了一次搬家,收拾东西的时候,就找到许多未曾想到的东西,比如这篇作文。大一下学期,应该是学法语学了半年吧。刚刚学了将来时,老师就给个题目,三年后,十年后,我老了以后。以下是我当时写的作文。 Dans 3 ans, je finirai mesétudes dans l`Université de Wuhan. Je continuerai mesétudesà l`Université de Beijing.Certainement,je penseraià l`Université de Wuhan.Par example,le sakoura,les cantines,les fleurs,Madame Cheng,mes camarades etc.L` amour,je ne sais pas.c` est un mystère pour moi.Dans 10 ans,je serai une femmeélégante.Je parlerai bien l ` Anglais et le fran鏰is.Je conna顃rai le droit.Peut-être je travaillerai.Je serai avocat.Je me marierai et j`aurai deux ou trois enfants. Mais peut-être je gagnerai beaucoup d`argent et je voyagerai partout dans le monde avec mon mari.Je ne suis pas s鹯.La vie est difficileà prévoir,n`est-pas?Quand je serai vieille,je ne bougerai plus.Je chercherai une maison qui se trouveraà la campagne et je resterai avec mon mari.On pantera beaucoup de fleurs dans le jardin.On ne travaillera pas.On s`étendra dans le soleil et on se souviendra de tant de choses:les mauvaises,les bonnes.J`éspère que je n`oublirai rien.大意如下:三年之后,我结束了在武大的学习,去北大继续我的学业。当然,我会经常想念武大,比如,樱花,食堂,程老师,还有我的同学们。至于爱情,我不知道。它对我来说,实在是个谜。十年之后,我会是一个优雅的女人。我会说流利的英语和法语,我精通法律。也许,我会工作,做个律师;我会结婚,有两个或是三个孩子。也许,我会挣很多很多钱,然后和老公一起去周游世界。这个不确定。生活是难以预料的,不是吗?等我老了以后,就哪儿也不去了。我在乡下找间房子,和我老公呆在一起。我们在花园里种很多很多的花,我们不用工作,就在太阳下伸展开来,然后回忆历历往事:好的,坏的,我希望,我什么都不会忘。忽然找到这个,大一时那种简单美好的心态,似乎还隐约可寻,然而背后更多的却是无从了解到了。当时自恃记忆力好,如今看到这个却感觉无比遥远
















1〖Five〗、英文:My dream is to buy a house at the seaside. Door window, also have broad sea bed, along with the rustle up is carefree and the white curtain, My dream is in France or Switzerland or Canada in a corner of the house have surrounded me a large green, green is perhaps a lush after a primitive forests. Winter snow gypsies, we can ski, We can enjoy the maple autumn stile, Rippling stream flowed down glide plain, rippling the sunset shining gold, My dream is to look for a living, strong, can the husband in winter night wore blanket, keeping the fireplace, listen to him quietly poets, My dream is a lively little naughty knee fine when coiled bugging me to go out for a walk, stories, My dream is to see NianGuoHuaJia parents kept a heap of children is the corner in the joy of sweet, My dream is throughout China and look directions scenery, My dream is the sword go by, XiaGanYiDan river rear,

1〖Six〗、I dream a lot, if you had not come close to remind me that I have forgotten it in a corner. To beautify my door and window, to sleep in my bed, the broad and comfortable in front of the beautiful clothes, appropriate to realize my dream of beautiful these humble, I think this effort, I must take their diligence to fill the gap. Spare

1〖Seven〗、I want to be a famous mountains area teachers

1〖Eight〗、The children wear sandals, run, Lunch time, children squat in the mud, and one a pickle basin during the examination of the green soup for lunch nutrition;"" A classroom only on a light bulb, dormitory, lighting the quilt is a thin coating, See book, the children out of the dark hands, careful, afraid dirty pages, snow-white, Robert DE, this is our, parents of xiehe bilingual school with a record of the lens in yunnan province"double jiang county after rolling hillock elementary at first glance. The children looked at pictures of pure bright smiling face and eyes, I really want to grow up quickly and become a famous mountains area teachers, help them out of the mountains, dashan.

1〖Nine〗、I want to let children have a good learning environment, let them have a dining room, can shield everyday can eat delicacies, I want to give them a warm and comfortable dorm, and every night is immersed in a sweet dream could, I want to see them in the library"greedy" to learn knowledge, I want to hear of the DouShuSheng fly out of a window, the classroom clean, Robert DE··

20、I'll teach me all the knowledge. In Chinese, I teach children with beautiful, lyrical statements of the motherland; sunvo depicting Math, I teach their thinking methods, let them have the opportunity to participate in"maths Olympic", I also teach kids about the beauty of mountains in English, the future home...

2〖One〗、Finally, I want to become the most intimate friends children. They play and I do in their spare time, I play with them"plasters","the eagle catches chicken","the old car driver pulled farmers", etc. I'll talk with children of their thoughts, their dreams and growing pains...

2〖Two〗、How many times in my dream, my eyes children that beautiful smile and facial expression. In order to realize my desire, from now on, I must study hard, laying a solid foundation, let me become hale, plump wings, with excellent performance of the campus, the mountain, into the children's heart.

2〖Three〗、Everyone has a dream, it is everybody yearning. The man without a dream of the life will be empty, without losing dreams as aircraft navigation ships, lose lighthouse, will be eliminated by society. But the dream always thought of as before and change. Nowhere is that of a schemer and striving for is wise.

2〖Four〗、When elementary school, I had a dream. I hope every day is not a lot of homework to do. Play a little time, and we were deprived of one of the three day in the classroom, imprisoned in a lot of time learning. Top junior high school of time, I have a dream, I hope I can be a head, By his family back home to praise, By teachers in the school can sure, The students can have the standout performances. Later, I learned to struggle.

2〖Five〗、Busy day and night, after coming home from school on a trapped and tired, eat supper didn't taste. This day is very dull, maybe sometimes miss many elementary school students, sometimes driving lessons or a pair of hazy sleepy. Hate school clothes, rigid never wore it everywhere. On Saturday, Sunday, the time really short temper really want to make children, slowly understand human toil and dream is too difficult, I try to see everyone, from early in life and later, he is no longer hold out.

2〖Six〗、Today, I have a dream, I hope you can enter a favorite high school. My dream,'for every day of his struggle to find a full practice, coach book and strive for a bright future.

2〖Seven〗、Dream is like a seed in the"heart", and the soil, although it is very small, but can not dream bloomed, if, like living in the gobi, desolate, without courty vigor. Ask the students, we all who would lead the hum of the day? I believe I will, you won't.

2〖Eight〗、Have a dream, it is a goal, a dream, there is power. Dream is a tall bridge, no matter whether can reach the shore and eventually have dreams, and pursue it, this is a kind of success, a kind of glory. In this process, the pursuit of dreams, we are growing.

2〖Nine〗、It will urge people forward, perhaps in the dreams of the road, will meet many difficulties and setbacks, but it doesn't matter, fell himself up, for his dream and, after all, is not luck future by himself created.


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